To finance outstanding students from countries within the Belt and Road Initiative to pursue studies in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology(ZUST),we offer ‘Silk Road’ Chinese Government Scholarship for undergraduate programs.
Category: Undergraduate Programs
Programs available:
(1) Civil Engineering;
(2) International Economics and Trade;
(3) International Marketing;
(4) Computer Science and Technology;
(5) Communication Engineering;
(6) Information and Computational Science;
(7) Food Science and Engineering;
(8) Applied Physics;
(9)Digital Media
(10)Measurement and Control Technology (Robort Technology)
Scholarship Value: Full scholarship
(1) Tuition;
(2) Free on-campus dormitory accommodation (double room);
(3) Monthly living allowance: 2500rmb per month;
(4) Comprehensive medical insurance for international students in China;
Applicants’ Eligibility Criteria:
(1) Non-Chinese citizen in good health ,citizen of ‘One Belt One Road’ countries;
(2) High school graduate certification or above;
(3) 18 - 40 years old;
(4) Excellent academic performance in high school;
(5) Language proficiency certification;
List of "One Belt One Road" countries:
Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Brunei, the Philippines, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Greece, Cyprus, Sinai, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, the Kingdom of Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, the republic of Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Poland, Republic of Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, and Macedonia.
No application Fee Required to Apply
Application documents and How To Apply:
(1) Fill in online application at http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn ,Program type is B. Complete and print the Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship with Signature;
(2) Register at http://isam.zust.edu.cn/ ,complete the online application;
(3) Photocopy of High school graduation certificate;
(4) Photocopy of High school transcripts;
(5) Photocopy of passport;
(6) 2 Recommended letters (either in English or Chinese);
(7) A Study Plan or Research Proposal (either in English or Chinese, minimum of 200 words)
(8) Foreigner Physical Examination Form;
Please remember our agency No. Is 11057. Please submit the documents to International Student Admission Office(411, west wing of Library)Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, or send your application documents to one of the emails as follows.
Note: The application materials will not be returned disregard to successful admission or not. Certificates which are not in Chinese or English language must be translated to Chinese or English by a legitimate notary authority.
Application Deadline: April 30 2019
,ZUST Silk Road Scholarship 2019 for Undergraduate Studies, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology 2019, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Silk road scholarship, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology silk road scholarship 2019 for undergraduate studies, bachelor studies in China, Scholarship for bachelor studies 2019, , , , , , ,